13lbs 2 oz and 25 3/8 inches long. Visits with the FUN clinic start. They all seem rather helpful and start the baby on Cyproheptadine (perinactin) which is an antihistamine which will giver her more of an appetite. At first it seems ok, but she is lethargic and cranky on the medicine but I keep giving it to her. She climbs up the stairs now amazingly.
RSV and pneumonia -- why am I not surprised. Hospitals are for sick people. This was very scary because she stopped eating and nursing. I actually had to pump...it was not pleasant. I took her in to the emergency room. They didn't like that she was little but never made me feel bad about it. We stayed for 3 days and were discharged with a nebulizer and an automatic booger sucker, which she hated. She weighed 11 lbs 8 oz.
We were released HA they even tested my milk 27 calories per oz more than any formula. They refer me to the follow up nutrition clinic. This sounds good, it has nutritionists, gastro doctor and social workers. Hoping for the best.
Independent pediatrician turns out to be an ARNP. I wasn't surprised. She said I dried up and yet I was still nursing and feeding the baby. Her recommendation was for me to give up my child -- NOT GOING TO HAPPEN -- Anyway, I told her I would willingly take her to Primary Childrens -- she arranged it and I went. The doctors didn't know why I was there. Yes, she is Failure to Thrive but otherwise healthy. We shared a room with a cleft lip and palate child who had a nasty cough, we stay to our side of the room.
Surprise, surprise. A knock on my door from Department of Children's and Families. I let them in and I showed the man the food I tried feeding her she refused. I tried nursing her seh turned away. He said I would have to go to their independent pediatrician. So it was scheduled for Friday. I started recording all that she was doing...how long she nursed, how much she ate..everything.
She is at 11lbs 6oz. She had the nutra for 10 days and then we ran out. I had called to get a prescription called into WIC on the friday by the middle of next week it came in --the wrong prescription --So I try again to get the right prescription. She was without Nutra for 2 full weeks. The baby's doctor knew about it because I had asked her to write the prescription her response was "not my prescription not my problem". Well baby didn't gain weight but maybe an ounce or 2 and she was mad at me about it and started threatening me. I called in to the state. Medicaid likes their participants to be treated nicely and not put them down because of income and this is what I felt was happening.
Gastro doctor appointment. She now weighs 11 lbs which means she is 1 month behind the recommendation of doubling her weight gain. The doctor walks in and before even asking me about her symptoms he jumps in with "I'm sorry you have dried up". Basically he saw failure to thrive on the doctors notes and ASSUMED that was the case. Really, he didn't inspect my boobs to make sure, he didn't listen to transfer of milk while she nursed...he just simply assumed. So anyway, he said to continue the medication and he gave me a sample (full can) of neocate nutra which you can add to the baby foods to give it more calories. The only thing he listened to was that she doesn't eat a full jar and this was a way to get calories into her without her noticing.
She weighs 10lbs 13.5 oz. She has gained 7 oz in a week and yet this doctor wants more. I didn't switch because I had a referral to a gastro doctor and was hoping to get some support, plus this doctor would be the type to turn me in to social services for neglect or something.
The baby is up to 10lbs 6.5oz and 23.5 inches long. The doctor was happy with the weight gain but still wants more. She was upset that I had taken her off the formula and highly encouraged me to give her formula in a bottle. I didn't like that idea, since she was getting food and even if it was formula I would not give her a bottle. Looking back now I think that she knew that the baby had low muscle tone and just wanted her to go on a bottle so that she would never nurse again....The doctor really seemed to not like me nursing her at all!!
I decided to ditch the formula and go to foods. I gave her pears and mixed in cereal this would be pretty good. but I started to notice a pattern. She would eat a little then stop just like with nursing. She basically eats every hour but for 5 mins if nursing or maybe eat and oz and quits. She can now sit up supported.