Tired of the snotty nose I take her in...she is draining green gunk...according to this scale she weighs 15lbs 12 oz..so in a week she has dropped 6 or 7 oz...well considering she hasn't been up to her usual eating habits..I wouldn't think she was gaining..but I didn't expect her to lose weight either. (different scale then what I used the last time, not uncommon for getting a different result) Anyway, she is not running a fever and everything else looks good so I figured lets get the shots. Nobody told me I could have done her shots at 15 months. Anyway, regardless I got her the second half of her flu shot too...didn't work last year but hoping it keeps things in check.
Went to the gastro doctor today...according to their scale she is up almost 1 lb...at 16lbs 3 oz...they are very happy with that..and the fact that I give her the antihistamine twice a day...hoping things stay going this way!!
Had a recertification for WIC she now weighs 16lbs 2 oz on their scale. and 28 3/8 inches long. She has been sick witha runny nose for a week, but so far its not really affecting her weight.
Went to get some more food from WIC for baby. Decided to get her weighed 15lbs 14oz..YAY, up 9 oz in 2 weeks.
15lbs 5 oz..hmmm...added the antihistamine but she only gained 1 1/2 oz in a month. However, she had an infection of some kind and was on antibiotics. She ran fevers for a week until she took the antibiotic so that caused diarrhea and the little weight gain. Now she has started drinking Bright Beginnings formula at 30 calories per oz without spitting it out...we shall see how she does from here.
Now that I have the report from rehab in my hands I see there is another diagnosis which is Hypotonia. This condition would make the baby too tired to eat so she would comfort nurse or just not eat altogether. It is starting to make more sense. She now weighs 15lbs 3.5oz and I talk to a different nutritionist and she was really good. She gave good suggestions. She actually said I was doing good and to keep up the good work. She even suggested giving the antihistamine another try but to give it to her at night before bedtime. Then add another dose during the day. Maybe because I actually felt that someone
She is down 2 oz but had been on antibiotics for an ear infection which cause some more diarrhea. They saw that I had gone to rehab and that the OT had backed up everything I had told them. The reflux caused her to not want food because she associated pain with eating. This was a better appointment as I was seen by a different nutritionist who understood lactation!!
This was a good day for me. I went to the appointment with rehab. Everything I have been telling these doctors is correct!!! The Occupational therapist asked me if anybody had discussed a malabsorption issue...yea, ME...these doctors didn't listen about that. Of course they ran tests but nothing came up on the tests. She said that it appeared that she had learned how to go without food because of pain...another concept I had been telling the doctors about!! Really how much vindication could have I gotten in one day!!! I was excited..however, this now means I get to have a weekly appointment..oh well..it keeps the others off my back!!!
14 lbs 7.5 oz now she has only gained 4 oz in almost two months and she is not taking the antihistamine at this point. She had been having bouts of diarrhea which tell me she is allergic to something but I can't figure it out. She still appears to be bright eyed and busy as usual!! Now the nutritionists are not been nice to me at all even though she is still eating normally. I don't think they believe she was on antibiotics. After this appointment I go back to her regular doctor and beg him to help figure out what is wrong with the baby. He refers me to pediatric rehab.
14lbs 3.8oz and 26 1/2 inches long. She hasn't tripled her birthweight but she seems to be doing fine. She claps her hands and has started to walk albeit she is a little unsteady in her torso, but watch out for those legs. It looks funny becasue she is so small and walking.