Took baby for the endoscope she was the first one at 7:30am. I was concerned about not feeding her but she got distracted and didn't request much. It went quickly and the doctor found that she probably has Eosinophilic Esophogitis. He is waiting on the biopsy results but with the other things he saw it is a good bet that she has this problem. I have been instructed that we will probably have to do an elimination diet if this is the case. This is not a favorite activity because it just makes it that much harder to plan meals and such. The biopsy will let us know which direction to go. I had known that this was a possibility because of her refusal to move forward with food. Really, who wants to eat if there esophogus is all inflamed? I wouldn't want to. On the other hand her muscle tone is getting better so she at least wants to eat more diverse things. She has regained back all the weight she lost from the other week (16lbs 8oz) and has grown in length to 29 1/2 inches. March 18, 2013, it is Eosinophilic esophagitis and she has started flonase sprayed in the mouth...about two weeks later we have a yeast infection to which I am treating it with grapefruit seed extract. She seems to be doing well other than the yeast infection and eats all the time. I am confident that she is gaining weight.

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