We have been slightly busy. We had her appointment on May 19th and I didn't post because I was packing to move to Florida. It went well and she did gain weight enough that they didn't complain. She had made it to 17lbs. We figured out that the nasal spray (that we spray in her mouth) was not operating correctly so she was getting the wrong dose of medication and couple that with her not taking the antihistamine made it so she didn't gain weight the last time around. Anyway, she just had her birthday the other day and she is the sweetest little thing ever...she will stop nursing and come up and kiss me on the lips...with the biggest grin ever. She is in to everything and likes to play hide and seek. She also thinks she is a big girl as she does what her brother and sister do...she is fearless!! She talks a little, she can command such as I want this. She also has grown some, but with no insurance yet we have not found her a doctor. Thankfully, the doctors gave us lots of refills, however, they do cost money. We found a house we liked and put in an offer but it was turned down, so we are looking for another house..hopefully we will find one soon, because living in a hotel with three little kids is not

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