On tuesday night after 5pm baby started acting sick and spit up a little bit. She was also running a fever of about 101.5. I always let 24 hours go before I run to the doctor just to see if she will get better on her own. Wednesday night she was still not right and really hadn't eaten much that day. Fever broke about midnight so she went 30 hours. Thursday she wasn't feeling good but no fever. She ate a little but mostly nursed all day. At about 4pm the fever came back. Alright I call the doctors office, he is not available..but someone else can see her. The last time that happened I was having to explain the feeding therapy and the nutrition clinic and everything I am feeding her. Not fun to explain that she is under care and things are been addressed. Well I went anyway. Finally, the doctor comes in and looks her over, which she is up and looking good. Anyway, she has mouth sores. I believe it is part of the cocksackie virus...she doesn't have the sores on her feet or hands or anywhere else just in her mouth. So I guess she will lose a little weight. The sad thing is she wants to eat but it hurts. Do I really need this complication in addition to everything else..NO!! Anyway, she should be better within 5-7 days of this starting. Which means by next tuesday she better be right as rain.

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