Yet another appointment, on Valentines day no less. Anyway I was hopeful this time. She had stopped drinking her one cup of bright beginnings soy formula (30 calories per oz), and she had stopped eating baby food with nutra in it, but I thought I had beat her to the punch line. Because of her food refusal, I started giving her gogurt...I only needed to give her three a day to replace what her formula would give her. She was at least having three a day, plus other junk food (little debbie snack cakes, goldfish with ranch dressing and fruit snacks.) I figured she was getting at least 350-400 calories which is about her usual (she still nurses six times or more a day). She had gained a whooping 5 ounces. She now weight 16 1/2 lbs at 19 months old. Sad thing is I seem to be the one gaining weight, grrr!!! They want to do an endoscope but the baby has to be perfectly healthy for a full month with no fevers or snotty nose for them to do it...yada, yada, yada!! It's the middle of winter so it probably won't happen anytime too soon. She actually had a snotty nose at this appointment and I hope it doesn't turn into something more!!! The nutritionist brought in high calorie juices for her to try...we tried one...she spit it out...lovely. The doctor is also starting to believe that she might just be petite...Really?!? He still wants to check out her esophogus day!!

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