Went to see Stacy at therapy today. We have baby on a schedule and she has given up most of her formula in favor of eating food....so she is getting less calories all the way around. I have also figured out that she is allergic to oatmeal. Her excema gets really bad when she eats it.  Oatmeal is one thing I could count on to help her gain weight. According to their scale she is down 1 lb in 3 weeks. Makes me wonder if she has lost more weight since the scheduling began. She drinks 4oz of formula on a good day instead of 14oz. At therapy she drank about 2oz right away and then ate three fourths of the diced peaches, a bite of the waffle and a bite of the rice krispie treat, and maybe 1oz of the baby pears mixed with nutra...sum total 100 calories and then she opted to nurse because she was tired. On saturday she started having loose stools so this isn't helping. I am at a loss as to what to do. Now Stacy explained to me that this is what usually happens to almost 2 year olds because they want to do everything themselves but they can't seem to eat enough food on their own that would satisfy the calorie needs. Baby still has problems with her muscle tone that also limits her intake. The reflux makes her stomach hurt, the esophagitis makes her throat hurt so eating is a big issue for her anyway. I really hope she tells the doctor this because at this point I can't do enough for them.

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